Friday, September 18, 2015

La exposición a la contaminación atmosférica podría aumentar el riesgode muerte prematura: MedlinePlus en español

La exposición a la contaminación atmosférica podría aumentar el riesgo de muerte prematura: MedlinePlus en español LA CONTAMINACION AMBIENTAL ES TOXICA!

President Barack Obama Plan to Lower Fuel Emmisions and Control Climate Changes - is paramount for Health - care Worldwide!

Through the World Allergy Organization, we encourage all countries to follow these guidelines.

America, as a leading developed Nation is ready for action and understands the possibilities and restrains of the underdevelop world - so, the help needed to clean our planet is an enormous task!

We hope that America and Europe, will understand what the world is asking from them. President Obama Climate Change Plan in underway and On...

Prevention, Tolerance, Environmental Control, includind nutrition an diets and Interaction and Genetics of Homeostasis of the Human Body - is most needed for an Healthy Earth and Suroundings...

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